Press Green + Red, Blue, Green + Red, Green + Yellow, Blue, Green + Yellow,
Red + Yellow, Orange, Red + Yellow, Green + Yellow, Yellow, Green + Yellow,
Green + Red. Note: This code cannot be used in Career mode.
Press [Green + Red] two times, Red + Orange, Red + Blue, [Green + Red] two
times, Red + Orange, Red + Blue. This mode makes everything disappears except
for the performance.
Press Red + Yellow, [Green + Red] two times, [Red + Yellow] two times, Green +
Red, [Red + Yellow] two times, [Green + Red] two times, [Red + Yellow] two
times, Green + Red, Red + Yellow, Red + Blue to unlock all songs in Quick Play
Press [Yellow + Orange] five times, [Red + Yellow] four times, [Red + Blue]
five times, Yellow + Blue, [Yellow + Orange] two times. This mode makes the
charts faster. There are five Hyperspeed levels. Press Green on the Hyperspeed
option at the "Cheats" menu to cycle through them.
Press Red + Yellow, [Red + Blue] two times, [Red + Yellow] two times, [Yellow
+ Blue] three times, Red + Blue, Red + Yellow, [Red + Blue] two times, [Red +
Yellow] two times, [Yellow + Blue] three times, Red + Blue.